Saturday, September 27, 2008

Nearly 6pm...she's still not here!

Nearly 6:00 epidural was put in at 11:30 this morning. The nurse came in and said my lovely personality was fading. And boy was bitch switch was flipped for sure! The nurse has checked me a few times today and my cervix is just plain incompetent. Damn thing won't dilate and she cannot tell if she is on my cervix at all. The dr has been delivering babies left and right today, so I'm not the main priority. I know....shocker. :-) Since I'm comfortable, he's not too concerned. The pitocin is contractions are strong and VERY regular. Yes, I can still feel them, but they aren't painful.

If you are trying to call me, I'm sorry for not answering. I'm tired of being on the phone and quite frankly, I don't feel like talking. Sorry! As soon as this child is here, we'll post it and send out a text message. At this point, it will probably be a c-section as soon as he has time. With cervixes like mine it is not uncommon to labor all day long, dilated to a 1 and then all of a sudden be ready to push. We shall water is still there too, so it could still be a few more hourse. In fact, you'd better plan on it. Trum said that we'll have a baby by midnight though, so hold tight.

love to all...

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