Most people know that I work for Rose International. We are a woman & minority owned business. We have an office in New Delhi, India where a lot of our recruiters work. I send instant messages back and forth with one of them frequently...Rishi. Over the last few years, we have become friends. Before I left for bedrest, he was trying to teach me to say a few words in Hindi. I must say...I was not a good student. Anyway...he always asks me how AnnaJo is doing. Today he decided that he would give her an Indian name. He first gave her Aksha which means "light". He said it was because in her pictures, her skin shines like light. I asked him the Hindu word for "miracle" since she is such a miracle baby and he said it was "Karisma". So....her name means Miracle of Light...Karisma Aksha. Interesting, huh? Here is Rishi....I told him that I'd give him props.
Tata for now....did you know that they say Tata in India? Yes, they do.
Love the indian name!! Dont know about the picture lmao (oh rishiiii)
thats really cute! Kudos to Rishi!
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