Thursday, September 25, 2008

Last prenatal appt at 10AM today! OMG

Nearly 6:30 am on Thursday and I've been awake for the last 2 hours. Preparation for the little person that is scheduled to arrive in another 2 days if not before. I cannot believe we are only 48 hours away from having AnnaJo in our world. It's been a crazy pregnancy and this is by far the worst week as far as being uncomfortable. However, for the first time (at 4:20 am) I thought that I might actually miss being pregnant and being able to feel her move and grow inside me. If it weren't for my stupid cervix, I might be good at this whole "pregnant" deal!

My 38 week appt is this morning at excited that I didn't go into labor while Trum was in Chicago!! I am very anxious to see if I've progressed at all this week. I've been having contractions, but nothing major. At this point, nothing is going to surprise me! I am just now reaching my pre-pregnancy weight, so hopefully I won't go past it with water retention in the next few days.

The basement (our bedroom) is finally starting to look normal again. We've dried the carpet out completely, the pad is gone and the carpet has been stretched back in place (thank you wonderful husband with newly bruised knees!!). The weird carpet odor is still lingering a bit, but it's not overwhelming when you walk in the door anymore. I'm sure we'll be using the febreeze for a little while longer, but that's better than living upstairs in the small extra bedroom. :-) AnnaJo's nursery is taking shape. Mom finished sewing her curtains last night and I made her a little picture memory board yesterday too. Her dresser is due to arrive in the next few weeks, but it isn't holding up any other progress, so that's okay. Cliff is off work tomorrow and I'm hoping to finish the painting projects and any other final little projects that need to be done before miss AJ arrives. If anyone LOVES to paint, call me! I'd welcome any volunteers at this point.

Love to all...I'll update again this afternoon to let everyone know what the news is today!

kate, cliff & annajo

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